Growing Dragon fruit
Most people believe growing dragon fruit isn’t that hard, well maybe not. Although growing them to get the best out of the plant as we do, is a little more involved.
Growing from a cutting is far quicker than from a seed. We have had cuttings produce fruit in 8 months and good volumes of fruit in 18 months, which was the following season.
Directions for best results growing dragon fruit
First choose a good looking, healthy cutting of about 30 cm plus in length. Let the cut end of the cutting dry for about 4-5 days to help prevent rot and infection.
After drying, place the cutting into a pot of quality potting mix (arrow facing down as we mark them). Water the cutting into the potting mix. Place pot in a cool shaded area or green house. Water lightly around once a week. DO NOT over water as cuttings will rot and die.
Once the cutting is well rooted (4-6 weeks in warmer months) it can then be planted out in a sunny location. Dragon fruit can be planted on some form of trellis, post or fence. We grow our plants on cement post 2.2 meters in length, 700mm in the ground and 1500 out with a mesh topper of 800mm x 1000mm tied in place to secure. Plant to 1500mm out of the ground for ease of fruit picking. We do not recommend treated post due to the chemicals use in their treatment. Hardwood post are ok with some sort of top frame as a trellis system.
Plant cuttings two to four per post, depending on post diameter. Water plants into the ground. Fertilize with organic fertilizer e.g. chicken pallets, or other manures, seasol in the growing/fruiting season. Water once a week in hotter months depending on rain fall and once every 2-3 weeks in winter/cooler months. Do Not over water as plants will rot.
Train plants by tying to the post or trellis. Only allow 2-3 shuts from each plant to grow to top of trellis to limit clutter on the post. This also allows early detection of pest and disease.